five (5) problems in interviewing

Posted by zonan | Posted in

1.    Halo effect
Making decision or judgment based on the first observation of the applicant and the first few minutes of the interview session
2.    Contrast error
A situation when the interviewers are influenced either for or against the prior interviewee with the current one
3.    Similar to me error
This is a situation where the interviewers tent to give higher ratings to the candidates that are perceived to be similar to them be it coming from the same university or have the same interests and so forth.
4.    Gender bias
This is a situation when decisions made depend on the applicant’s sex or physical attractiveness
5.    Misinterpretation or non-verbal cues
Interviewers making the mistake of paying too much attention to the non-verbal behaviour like how the person looks, sits or his/her ability to establish eye contact.

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